This is pure gold: "Quantify. Take a stab at some math. What would sustained drone-supported operations require in terms of systems, operators, and perhaps extra Ground Control Stations (GCSs) and batteries? See Figure 2 for a simple example from my battalion.". Figuring out how to keep it going over time is a key capability.
Any thoughts on Anti/Counter sUAS? Did you get into training in non Permissive sUAS environments? (I get it if you didn't; sounds like the plate was full just getting to a good baseline).
I am intrigued by the existence of drones as platform as well as an expendable round.
To quote the guy from RoboCop ('87) "I like it!"
This is pure gold: "Quantify. Take a stab at some math. What would sustained drone-supported operations require in terms of systems, operators, and perhaps extra Ground Control Stations (GCSs) and batteries? See Figure 2 for a simple example from my battalion.". Figuring out how to keep it going over time is a key capability.
Any thoughts on Anti/Counter sUAS? Did you get into training in non Permissive sUAS environments? (I get it if you didn't; sounds like the plate was full just getting to a good baseline).